Application Deadline is 17th May 2013

Telecom Engineer Job Ref: IST 801
Main Job Responsibilities:
Organize and follow up on Telecommunication operations, plan and supervise the roll out of the local and wide area networks on the operations sites plus their connection to the company network in Kampala. Monitor the network and manage the Quality of Service (QOS) as well as the performance of all the components (inland and international links) through relevant indicators. Monitor radio networks, supervise trouble shootings with the service companies and the suppliers, validate and supervise the implementation of corrective solutions.
Qualifications and experience:
• Bachelor’s degree in Telecom Engineering or equivalent
• Previous experience in rolling out local and wide area networks
• Good knowledge of the following: Wimax networks, Wireless networks, Satellite C band, VSAT, Radio network, Routing andswitching installation and setup, GSM and 3G and TOIP

Please send your c.v  with a cover letter indicating the position applied for

Clearly state Job Ref. number in the subject line
and DO NOT attach any other documents at this
point. Merge the cover letter and CV into word or
PDF format. Scanned copies will not be accepted.
Deadline is Friday
17th May, 2013  only short listed candidates will be contacted.
“Candidates applying for the advertised positions
will be selected on merit.
Please note that Total E&P Uganda does not
solicit or accept payment of any kind from candidates”